

Upcomming Seminar

FREE CAPS Seminar Friday, February 26, 2010

About CAPS

CAPS is a Child Awareness and Prevention Seminar. This is a free public service provide by Team Players and is open to our students as well as the community at large.

During the seminars children are taught essential basic awareness and prevention skills in a serious yet fun atmosphere.

During this seminar children are taught things like what a stranger is, who a safe person might be if they are lost, the importance of knowing their full name, address, and telephone number.

They also participate in a hands (feet)-on approach to escaping a stranger when our own Blue Man, Justin, allows the children to use him as a target for practice.

This seems to be the highlight of the seminar for most children. In addition, The Hilliard D.A.R.E. Officers generously donate their time to provide the parents with fingerprint identification cards. We currently offer these seminars at least twice per year and hope to offer them more frequently in the future.

The CAPS program has become so popular that we now offer an on the road version, for schools, youth organizations and groups, This is a totally free community service. It takes the entire community to protect our children.